The Hardy HI 6010 summing box distributes excitation voltage to up to four load cells and transfers each load cell’s performance characteristics and weight signals to the Hardy weight controller.



哈帝提供C2® Integrated Technician认证的接线盒(Junction Box、Summing box)及C2电缆,可助您快速、简便地实现称重系统的标定。哈帝C2®免标定接线盒的电路位于防水外壳内,可分配激励电压至最多4个称重模块,并将称重模块的性能特点和重量信号传送到称重控制器。操作员无需打开接线盒便可启动一个内部测试电路,测试从接线盒至配有“IT”称重仪器的电缆的稳定性。此外,通过称重仪器的前面板即可读取单个称重传感器的重量和电压读数。

The Hardy HI 6010 summing box distributes excitation voltage to up to four load cells and transfers each load cell’s performance characteristics and weight signals to the Hardy weight controller.

HI 6010 Summing Box

Hardy C2® certified Junction Boxes contains circuitry in a waterproof enclosure that distributes the excitation voltage of up to four load points and transfers each load point’s performance characteristics and weight signals to the weight controller.

HI 215JB Junction Boxes

Hardy C2 Certified Cable has been designed specifically for the electrically and mechanically harsh environments found in Process Weighing applications.

C2 Certified Cable

Configuration Software for HI 1746 runs on a PC connected to the Allen-Bradley(R) SLC 500 Processor via a serial link.  

WS100 Configuration Software